{{ strtoupper($pamContDef->short_description) }} CONTRIBUTION DEFINITION
- Fields marked with * are required.
- Group of the Contribution. Grouping contributions helps organize them for easier management and reporting. Examples of groups include "Statutory", "Other", etc.
- General Ledger Code of the Contribution. This code corresponds to the general ledger account associated with the contribution for accounting purposes.
- Name of the Contribution. Provide a descriptive name for the contribution to easily identify it.
- Description of the Contribution. Optionally, provide additional details or information about the contribution.
- Employer Maximum Ceiling Amount of the Contribution. The employer maximum ceiling is the maximum contribution amount that the employer can contribute. Use "0" to indicate no maximum has been set.
- Method of Calculation of the Contribution. Specify how the contribution amount is calculated, such as fixed amount, percentage of salary, etc.
- Value of the Contribution. Input the actual amount or percentage value of the contribution.
- Status of the Contribution. Indicate whether the contribution is active, inactive, pending, etc.
- Close button. Close the window and return to the previous screen.