@extends('layouts.master') @section('content')
@if(isset($error) || session('error'))
{{ $error ?? session('error') }}
@endif @if(session('success'))
{{ session('success') }}
@foreach($data as $item) @php // dd($item); $pamEmp = \App\Models\PamEmp::where('man_number', $item['manno'])->first(); if (!$pamEmp) { continue; // Move to the next iteration } @endphp @endforeach
Man No. Name Department Amount
{{ $pamEmp->man_number }} {{ $pamEmp->title }} {{ $pamEmp->pamHrUser->first_name }} {{ $pamEmp->pamHrUser->last_name }} {{ $pamEmp->pamEmpDepartment->name }} {{number_format($item['amount'],2, '.', ',') }}
Total Amount

ZMW {{ number_format($validatedTotalAmount, 2, '.', ',') }}

@csrf @php $pamPayRunPeriods = \App\Models\PamPayRunPeriod::where('tax_year_id', $pamPayroll->currentPamPayRun->pamTaxTable->tax_year_id) ->where('period_status', 'active')->get(); @endphp
Recurrence Frequency @php $totalPeriods = 12; $fieldNamePrefix = 'recurrence_period_'; @endphp @for ($period = 1; $period <= $totalPeriods; $period++) @if($period % 6==1) {{-- Start a new row after every 6 periods --}}
@if ($period % 6 == 0 || $period == $totalPeriods) {{-- Close the row after every 6 periods or at the end --}}
@endif @endfor
You have reached the last step of the upload process!
  • @if (count($errors_import) > 0) @foreach($errors_import as $item) @endforeach @else @endif
    {{ $item}}
    No errors found with the uploaded data
@endsection @section('scripts') @endsection @section('modal') @endsection